Hopefully by now you have health insurance in place for 2016. If not and you’re enrolling in Obamacare, sign up as soon as you can.
It is currently too late to enroll in health insurance and have it be effective January 1st. Makes sense, since we are already a few days into January.
You can, however, still sign up to have health insurance for the remainder of the year. The deadline and absolute latest you can sign up for Obamacare is January 31st. And if you wait until that later part of January, your health insurance won’t actually be effective until March 1st, so keep that in mind. If you enroll in Obamacare by January 15th, your coverage will begin as early as February 1st.
So if Obamacare is your choice, enroll now. The sooner the better.
Curious about what Obamacare will cover? Watch this short video.
Want to know even more about Obamacare? Check out my book Easy Healthcare: Obamacare, available as either a paperback book or an ebook.