How to Celebrate Every Kid Healthy Week at Home

Exercise Activity Family Outdoors Vitality HealthyEvery Kid Healthy Week is something adopted by the school systems to promote health and wellness in the educational setting. Most schools organize a field day and devote the whole week to fun outdoor activities, nutritious meals and keeping the kids moving! But why not continue the fun at home? It’s important that kids are brought up following a healthy lifestyle. Today, we’re sharing fun family activities you can do to get everyone up and off the couch!

Register for a 5k together
Sign up for a local 5k and get the whole family in on it. You can even start training for it to get the kids motivated. It will be something for them to look forward to and training will help them to track their physical progress.

Go to the grocery store
Have the kid’s help you pick out healthy meals. Here’s something to try: everyone pick out a new vegetable you’ve never had before. Take them home and try a different one each night of the week. When the week is over everyone votes on which is the best. The competition factor will be fun for the kids, plus it will help you to learn which veggies they like.

Go for a walk
Every night after dinner, head out for a walk with the whole family, including Fido. Walking is a great way to de-stress and to reverse all of the sitting the kids did at school. Plus, it turns a chore like walking the dog into a fun family activity.

Plan healthy recipes
Have the kids help you pick out healthy recipes for the week, and include them in the meal prep. They may be more willing to try something that they know they’ve helped to make.

Make a recipe book
Let the kids pick out their favorite healthy recipes and put it into a book. This will be perfect for when you need some healthy dinner inspirations!

Watch documentaries
If your child is old enough, show them documentaries, such as “Supersize Me” or “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead.” It will show them firsthand the dangers of eating fast and prepackaged foods. It may even make them want to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Establish the one bite rule
This is a great rule to have with kids. They must try one bite of everything on their plate. If they like it, they can continue to eat it; if they don’t that’s okay, too. Some parents force children to eat foods they don’t like, which can be a tough approach. This will cause an aversion to foods, and the last thing you want is kids to refuse to eat vegetables. So, make sure they try it, but don’t force them to finish it if they don’t like it.

Set the vegetables out first
Are the kids starving once they’re home from school before dinner? Set the vegetables out first. If they’re that hungry they will eat those to hold them over for dinner. Win-win.

Have fun celebrating! And continue the traditions all year long!


To learn more about women’s health check out the Women’s Mind Body Wellness Summit. It contains 6 interviews by top female health professionals plus two workout videos and 3 bonus videos on mind-body wellness with MyHealthSpin Founder Lori-Ann Rickard.

Eat Better, Together

Happy family enjoying a healthy meal together at home in the kitLeading a healthy and active lifestyle is extremely important for everyone in your family. However, changing dietary habits can be extremely difficult, especially if you’re the only one in the house
doing it. Instead, make it a family affair. Find ways to eat healthy and spend time as a family. Taking the time to sit down at the table together is important for your physical health, as well as your mental health. October is Eat Better, Eat Together month, so today we are going to discuss four ways to eat better as a family.

Eat at the table
These days kids and families are so busy it seems like there is little time to spend together. Set at lease one day a week where everyone must eat at the table together. This will allow you to share little pieces of your day and bond. And make sure you eat at the table, not on the couch by the TV. It seems like it’s easier to eat healthy when everyone else is doing it. Eating together isn’t only good for your physical health; it’s also good for your mental health.

Lead by example
If your kids see you eating well they will too. Kids have a tendency to model the behavior of their parents, this include dietary habits.

One bite rule
Follow the one bite rule – they must try at least one bite of everything on their plate, even if they claim they don’t like it. This will allow the food to be introduced to their diet and maybe one day their taste buds will change. I know someone who used this rule with their four kids. And I’ll tell you what; I’ve never seen a family that eats a wider variety of healthy foods and vegetables. There were at least three vegetables served with every meal! And guess what? Their adult children still eat that way today!

Make it fun
Include the kids in the grocery shopping or the cooking. Let them pick out fresh produce at the store that they want to try. And have them help prepare dinner. They will want to try the food they make and they gave you a little bit of help. It’s a win-win.

Now go make plans with your family for dinner!


For more healthcare tips for you and your family, check out my workbook for dealing with caring for your children, as well as your aging parents: Life in the Sandwich Generation. Life in the Sandwich Generation is a workbook filled with information, tips and tricks for managing the demands needing to care for your aging parents, as well as taking care of your children. It details how you can involve your children in the process, how to learn more about your parents health and finances, while still making time for yourself and your spouse. You can find it here for only $10!