Helpful Health Care Links: January 2, 2015

Happy New YearHappy New Year! We start 2015 with no shortage of healthcare news you can use.

Our helpful health care links focus on a variety of topics — a report the high rate of influenza  and the deadline for using health flexible spending accounts. We also include an article from The Dr. Oz Show with a quiz to discover your resolution personality. All are worth your time. And, as always, if you ever come across a healthcare story that you think merits more attention, please send it our way!

What’s Your Resolution Personality?

A new year is a time to make good on the goals we’ve been meaning to accomplish. Take this quiz to find out if your personality type will make you more likely to keep your resolution, partially achieve it or abandon it completely.

Health Plan Enrollment Numbers Show Importance Of Coming Supreme Court Case

The subsidies that the court may eradicate are helping a large majority of customers pay for their medical insurance.

This Season’s Flue Activity Has Reached The Epidemic Threshold, The CDC Says

Fifteen children have died across the country from influenza, as the number of states reporting a “high” level of influenza activity jumped from 13 to 22 in one week.

Deadline Looms For Spending Health Flex Account Money

More than 15 million workers have employer-sponsored health accounts, which gave customers a chance to set aside up to $2,500 in pre-tax wages this year for health-related expenses not covered by insurance. But these accounts come with a big catch: Often you have to use the balance before the plan year ends or you lose it.

Federal Funding Bill Includes Alzheimer’s Accountability Act

Congress recently signed a funding bill including the Alzheimer’s Accountability Act, enabling scientists at the National Institutes of Health to tell Congress the amount of funding they need on an annual basis to reach the national goal to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease by 2025.


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Helpful Health Care Links: December 4, 2014

Flu season ahead signOur helpful health care links focus on many topics dealing with both personal health and the government — the effectiveness of this year’s flu shot and the status of ObamaCare enrollment after the second week. We also include a story from the Miami Herald touching on the court rejection of Florida Governor Rick Scott’s drug testing for welfare applicants. All are worth your time. And, as always, if you ever come across a healthcare story that you think merits more attention, please send it our way!

CDC: Flu Shot Less Effective This Year Because Current Virus Has Mutated

Scientists are concerned about what they’re seeing so far this flu season. The CDC agency advised doctors that this year’s flu vaccine is not as effective because the current strain of the virus has mutated.

Scientists Find Why Male Smokers May Run Even Higher Health Risks

Male smokers are three times more likely than non-smoking men to lose their Y chromosomes, according to research which may explain why men develop and die from many cancers at disproportionate rates compared to women.

Running Linked to Lower Alzheimer’s Death Risk

Running more than 15 miles a week may reduce the risk of dying from Alzheimer’s disease, new research suggests.

Court Rejects Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s Drug Testing of Welfare Applicants

A federal appeals court on Wednesday dealt another blow to Gov. Rick Scott’s crusade to conduct drug tests on welfare applicants when it upheld a lower court ruling that the practice was unconstitutional.

ObamaCare Enrollment at 765K After Week 2

About 765,000 people have chosen a private health plan on the federal ObamaCare marketplace since year-two enrollment began on November 15.


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