5 Rules for Avoiding the Halloween Sugar Rush

Table Set For Halloween DinnerIs it just me or does it seem like every store you walk into lately is filled with delicious, tempting treats? Between the bags of Halloween candy and the cider and doughnuts it’s hard to resist temptation. Last week when I was working out with my trainer, Kate, we started talking about all of the Halloween events her three kids have coming up, and it got me thinking of when my girls were in school. We shared stories of our kids Halloween memories, as well as tips on how to avoid all the sweets and treats. Today, I’m sharing our tried and true rules for keeping you and your kids healthy during Halloween.

Rule #1
Pick only two pieces of candy to eat. Put the rest of the candy away. If the kids can’t see it or reach it, they are less likely to ask for it. Out of sight out of mind.

Rule #2
Let them have fun at their school Halloween party. One afternoon filled with sugary doughnuts and king-size candy bars won’t kill them. When my girls were growing up, most of their school parties were centered around junk food. But Kate, who has three young kids, said that that’s starting to change. Parents are finding fun ways to make healthy Halloween-themed food.

Rule #3
Only give out candy you don’t like. This is probably the best advice I’ve ever received. If I passed out Snicker’s bars, I would eat more than I gave out. Skittles on the other hand? You wouldn’t ever catch me eating those. This way I can still join in on handing out candy, but don’t have to worry about it impacting my health or my waistline.

Rule #4
Don’t buy any candy in advance. Pick it up on your way home from work on Halloween night. The longer you keep it in the house, the more likely you are to get in to it. This was one of Kate’s tips, and I think it’s genius!

Rule #5
Don’t finish off your kids leftovers. If they leave a few bites of their sweets, don’t feel bad about throwing them away. This doesn’t only apply to their Halloween treats. As moms we have the bad habit of picking off our kids plates so things don’t go to waste, but let it!

What are your rules to live by when it comes to avoiding the temptations of Halloween candy?


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