5 Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

bigstock-144036260It seems like every year I make all of these New Year’s resolutions and by the middle of the month I’ve already forgotten about them. Some years it’s to lose weight, others it’s to cut sugar, or sometimes it’s to devote more time to self-care. Well this year, I’m going to do my best to keep them. And I hope you do, too!  2017 is fast approaching! Here are 5 tips for keeping your resolutions this year!

Set realistic goals
It’s not realistic to think you’re going to lose 50 pounds by February 1st. Or that you’re going to make it to the gym every day for a whole month. Instead set a goal to lose one or two pounds a week and to get to the gym three days a week. If your goals are unrealistic they will be impossible to attain.

Make a plan
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Take time to figure out just how to execute your goals. Set aside a schedule for when you have time to go to the gym. Or meal prep on Sunday night to have all of your food prepped for the week so you can still eat healthy even when life gets hectic.

Don’t beat yourself up
Don’t be hard on yourself if you fail. If your goal was to cut sweets from your diet, it’s okay if you cave and have a piece of cake. Just start back after that.

Write down your goals
This will help you visualize exactly what you want to achieve. I’ve always found it helpful to create a vision board. Or get a journal and write stuff down. Keep track of your achievements and your failures. Write down how your day went. Write down what aspects helped you to meet your goals for the day, or what challenges presented that threw you off. This will be extremely helpful for the future.

Get your friends in on it
It can be hard to keep your resolutions if those around you are indulging in the things you’re trying to avoid. Ask your friends to skip cocktails with you. Or see if you can get a girlfriend to hit the gym with you.

It feels really good mentally, and physically, when you stick to your goals. Focusing on mental wellness is extremely important to me. If you think you need a little extra help with your wellness goals this new year pick up the exclusive Women’s Mind Body Wellness Summit!


3 Healthcare Predictions for 2016

Empty Road To Upcoming 2016 At Sunset2016 will continue to see healthcare grow and change. As it does, MyHealthSpin will help you find easy, simple answers to your healthcare questions.  

Here are our healthcare predictions for 2016:

  1. More Wearables: More medical “wearables” will be developed with increasingly sophisticated technology to offer less invasive, but effective, monitoring and treatment for health conditions. Many healthcare and technology companies will create mobile apps, wearable sensors, and ways for consumers to access their personal health records. Expect to continue seeing devices and apps that allow you to have a more active role in your healthcare. The market for next generation wearables is expected to increase exponentially.
  1. End-of-Life Care: We predict that end-of-life care will gain more public attention as the issue will continue to occupy headlines. Hospice will increase. Physicians will have more end-of-life care discussions with patients due to increasing drug prices, high deductible plans, and new payment models.
  1. Employers: Employers will start to treat healthcare costs much more seriously. They will have an active role in employee healthcare to manage their healthcare costs. Employers may require monitoring health using online tools, they may choose which doctors and hospitals employees go to, and they may require second opinions before high cost procedures or treatments.

Those are just a few of our predictions for 2016. All of these advances and trends will continue to grow in 2016 and beyond.

I hope MyHealthSpin can help you find simple, easy answers to keep up with the changing healthcare landscape. To get started, get a FREE copy of Easy Healthcare: What You Need First by CLICKING HERE.

Wishing you a wonderful New Year!


Helpful Health Care Links: January 2, 2015

Happy New YearHappy New Year! We start 2015 with no shortage of healthcare news you can use.

Our helpful health care links focus on a variety of topics — a report the high rate of influenza  and the deadline for using health flexible spending accounts. We also include an article from The Dr. Oz Show with a quiz to discover your resolution personality. All are worth your time. And, as always, if you ever come across a healthcare story that you think merits more attention, please send it our way!

What’s Your Resolution Personality?

A new year is a time to make good on the goals we’ve been meaning to accomplish. Take this quiz to find out if your personality type will make you more likely to keep your resolution, partially achieve it or abandon it completely.

Health Plan Enrollment Numbers Show Importance Of Coming Supreme Court Case

The subsidies that the court may eradicate are helping a large majority of HealthCare.gov customers pay for their medical insurance.

This Season’s Flue Activity Has Reached The Epidemic Threshold, The CDC Says

Fifteen children have died across the country from influenza, as the number of states reporting a “high” level of influenza activity jumped from 13 to 22 in one week.

Deadline Looms For Spending Health Flex Account Money

More than 15 million workers have employer-sponsored health accounts, which gave customers a chance to set aside up to $2,500 in pre-tax wages this year for health-related expenses not covered by insurance. But these accounts come with a big catch: Often you have to use the balance before the plan year ends or you lose it.

Federal Funding Bill Includes Alzheimer’s Accountability Act

Congress recently signed a funding bill including the Alzheimer’s Accountability Act, enabling scientists at the National Institutes of Health to tell Congress the amount of funding they need on an annual basis to reach the national goal to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease by 2025.


Want to avoid unnecessary grief and expense when you get sick? Then you need this essential guide to the business behind your healthcare decisions. HealthSpin’s “Easy Healthcare: Before You Get Sick” ebook guide gives you all of the practical advice you need to take charge of your healthcare options!


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