7 Tips for Surviving the Terrible Twos

bigstock-123791711Between the crying, the screaming and the temper tantrums, toddlers can be a handful. When it seems like every word that comes out of their mouth is “No” disciplining can become draining. As moms, we all dread these moments. Trust me, I’ve been there. In order to help make this transition easier I’m sharing my top seven tips to surviving the terrible twos.

1. Practice telling them “no” from an early age.
If your child is used to getting what they want all of the time, they will have a difficult time adjusting to things not going their way.

2. Remember to take it one day at a time.
You’re not going to get a child to change their behavior overnight. It will take time, just be patient.

3. Be sure they understand when their behavior is unacceptable.
It’s obliviously difficult to rationalize with a toddler, especially one who is kicking and screaming. But if they aren’t disciplined and aren’t told that their behavior is unacceptable, they will continue to do it.

4. Be mindful of how you word your questions.
Or, don’t ask them at all. Asking kids “Are you ready for bed?” is always going to be responded to negatively. Instead, tell them, “It’s time for bed.” Or pose it in a fun way and make it an activity. Make bedtime story time. This way they won’t protest going to bed as much.

5. Try to be understanding.
Part of the reason that this is such a difficult age is that children are frustrated with the stage they’re in. They’re independent enough to do a lot of things for themselves, but they are still limited in certain aspects, such as communicating. Since they can’t tell you what’s wrong they have to alert you in some other way, leading to a tantrum or an outburst.

6. Make sure they know there are consequences for their actions, whether it be a time out or a loss of privilege.
Be firm and stand strong. If you waiver the child won’t take you seriously. It’s also important that you and your spouse have the same philosophy when it comes to this matter.

7. Applaud their good behavior.
When they do something kind or they don’t protest nap time be sure to recognize that. Thank them for listening. This will encourage the same behavior in the future.

It is important to keep in mind that this is normal and it’s not your fault. This is very common that children go through this stage in their lives. Hopefully you find these tips helpful to surviving the terrible twos! They sure helped me.


For more healthcare tips for you and your family, check out my workbook for dealing with caring for your children, as well as your aging parents: Life in the Sandwich Generation. Life in the Sandwich Generation is a workbook filled with information, tips and tricks for managing the demands needing to care for your aging parents, as well as taking care of your children. It details how you can involve your children in the process, how to learn more about your parents health and finances, while still making time for yourself and your spouse. You can find it here for only $10!