6 Things to Do to Keep Healthy this July 4th

Four Wooden Rocking Chairs And The American FlagToday we celebrate Independence Day. As we gather with friends and family, I want to wish everyone a wonderful Fourth of July and a safe holiday.

Enjoy the outdoor barbecues, bonfires, and fireworks, but make sure to keep yourself and your loved ones safe by celebrating responsibly. Taking a few simple precautions can help avoid a hospital visit:

  1. Be cautious when driving. Fatal accidents and DUIs spike over holiday weekends.
  2. Take care when using fireworks and sparklers. Review my previous post on avoiding firework-related injuries.
  3. Stay sober, wear a life jacket, and make sure kids are supervised when swimming or boating.
  4. Stay hydrated and find some shade. Dehydration and sunstroke are a serious risk during the summer months.
  5. SPF is your friend. While a tan may be appealing, prolonged sun exposure can lead to serious burns and increase your risk for melanoma. When applied regularly, sunscreen can help.
  6. Keep kids at a safe distance from fire pits.

What you are doing this holiday weekend to keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe? I’d love to hear from you!

Stay healthy and enjoy the holiday!

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