How to Be an Even Better Wife and Mom

Happy Mixed Race Family of Four Playing and Having Fun on the BeFinding the balance between work life, motherhood and marriage can be difficult for all of us. When life gets to this point, our needs are usually the first to go. Also it’s easy to get caught up in it all and let your relationship with your spouse and your children suffer. As a woman it’s important to keep in mind that if you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t properly care for others. September is self-improvement month, and what better aspect of your life to improve upon than your family and home life? Today, I’m sharing tips on how to become an even better wife and mother. Here are some tips on how to become an even better wife and mom.

Sometimes, being a better wife and mom means putting yourself first. If you’re ill or run down, you won’t be able to properly care for others. It’s important to keep up with your doctor’s appointments and your self-care routine.

Ask your spouse for support. Whether it be with housework or in parenting policies, you both need to be on the same page. You can’t be a great wife or parent if you’re disciplining your children in a different way than your partner. As women we often think we need to do it all, and we don’t like it if things aren’t done our way. But the two of you need to work as a team.

Take priority in his interests, too. It will make him feel good if he knows you truly enjoy the things he does. Maybe your guy is a hockey fan but you just can’t get in to it. Make game night a family affair, order pizza and grab some popcorn. Even if you don’t understand the aspects of the game, you can still make it an event to enjoy with your family.

Set up play dates with women you can relate to. Whether you’re a working mom, single mom or stay-at-home mom, there are other women who are going through the exact same thing as you. Seeking support other moms can help  build you up.

Plan a vacation away from the kids. Even if it’s just an overnight getaway you need to spend some quality time with your spouse. This way the two of you will come home rested and recharged.

Practice patience. It can be easy to let the frustration of daily life get to you. And a simple accident, such as spilling their apple juice, or folding the towels in the wrong direction, sends you in to a tizzy. Remaining patient will help you to be a better mom and wife.

Spend 10 minutes every night catching up with your spouse. You can do this at bedtime or whenever during the day you both can make the time. Instead of scrolling through social media talk to your spouse. Ask them about their day, or what they have going on for the rest of the week. Use this time to reconnect. It will help to make your relationship stronger.

Become comfortable in your own skin again. Often time a healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen can fall by the wayside with you busy at home and work. This can lead to not feeling comfortable in our own skin, and when your self-esteem is lacking, your relationship suffers. Make your health and wellness a priority and you’ll feel better about yourself in no time.

I hope you’ve found these tips helpful on how to become an even better wife and mother.


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