How to Choose the ObamaCare Plan That’s Right For You: VIDEO

The open enrollment period for 2015 health coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — often called ObamaCare — starts on November 15 and there are several factors that you should consider if you’re thinking of signing up for coverage. (You can get details regarding the enrollment period at In this video, MyHealthSpin founder Lori-Ann Rickard offers advice for those considering ACA coverage, discussing topics like finding a plan that your primary care doctor will accept, what Open Enrollment actually is, and what constitutes a “qualifying” event.


HS-Book_Covers_OCaresmallAre you looking to cut through all the noise and find out what ObamaCare really is, what it does, and, most importantly, what it means to you? MyHealthSpin’s “Easy Healthcare: ObamaCare” ebook guide leaves the politics behind and gives you a straightforward, timely rundown of the changes the law made and whether or not they impact YOU.

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