Are Criminals Using ObamaCare to Steal Personal Information?

The simple answer is “Yes.”

A growing number of criminals are using ObamaCare to steal  patients’ personal information.

The government is warning seniors on Medicare: If someone asks for your personal information for a state insurance exchange under the new healthcare law, he’s probably a crook. Those exchanges don’t apply to seniors.

No consumer, young or old, should give out medical information or pay up-front “enrollment” fees, the government says.

Those are just two of the scams that federal officials anticipate as more and more patients sign up under the Affordable Care Act.

What Should You Know?

1)  Never give out personal information to someone who contacts you saying you need to sign up for ObamaCare.   It’s likely a criminal.

2)  If you suspect fraud, call  800-318-2596, TTY 855-889-4325.  This number will connect yous to federal call centers for reporting fraud or attempted identity theft.

3)  Anyone who is officially allowed to sign patients up for ObamaCare should be able to present official credentials.  If there is any doubt, you should ask for a number to call to confirm the person’s identity.

Remember:  1) make sure you know if you qualify for ObamaCare (download my ebook, Easy Healthcare: Obamacare  to find out); 2) that Medicare is not affected by ObamaCare, and 3) where to call if you suspect fraud: 800-318-2596.

Knowing these facts may save you from a criminal who is trying to steal your identity or money.


HS-Book_Covers_OCaresmallAre you looking to cut through all the noise and find out what ObamaCare really is, what it does, and, most importantly, what it means to you? MyHealthSpin’s “Easy Healthcare: ObamaCare” ebook guide leaves the politics behind and gives you a straightforward, timely rundown of the changes the law made and whether or not they impact YOU.

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