How Do You Gain Access To Your Loved One’s Medical Information?: VIDEO

It’s senior week here at MyHealthSpin! More and more people are caring for an elderly family member in addition to their own immediate family. How do you ensure that your loved one’s medical records are handled correctly? Do you know if you have access to the proper medical information for your loved ones? MyHealthSpin Founder, Lori-Ann Rickard explains in this video why the most important action you can take as a caregiver is to make sure that it is designated in writing to whom a doctor or facility can provide specific medical information.


HS-Book_Covers_OCaresmallAre you looking to cut through all the noise and find out what ObamaCare really is, what it does, and, most importantly, what it means to you? MyHealthSpin’s “Easy Healthcare: ObamaCare” ebook guide leaves the politics behind and gives you a straightforward, timely rundown of the changes the law made and whether or not they impact YOU.

Available for download NOW!