There’s a lot going on in healthcare news this week! I have put together a handful of trending topics to share with you in hopes that this information will assist you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few articles for this week.
Obesity is an epidemic in the United States. Almost 55 million American’s are considered overweight or obese as determined by body mass index (BMI), which is a weight-to-height ratio. However, this number may not always be the most accurate representation of your overall health. Here are four other factors that can give you a much better idea of if you are at a healthy weight.
You hear a lot about clean eating now a days. To simplify it, clean eating is eating food in its pure, whole, natural state. However, this can be challenging. It can be expensive, time consuming, and difficult to stick to in a social manner. Follow these clean eating basics, and it will be easy to keep it up.
According to a recent study people are starting to live longer, which is not surprising due to advances in healthcare, improved hygiene and sanitization, and improved nutrition. Since people are living longer, there is more of a need for long term care, such as assisted livings and nursing homes. And as the need increases, so does the price tag. Follow the link below to find out how much long-term care will cost you in the year 2016.
Exercise and physical activity have a positive effect on the brain. Sometimes when you’re feeling down it is nice to go for a walk or a bike ride, or head to the gym and lift some weights. This is not your imagination, it’s science. Endorphins, chemical signaling molecules in the brain, are released during exercise. The endorphin rush felt during exercise can help ward of depression and Alzheimer’s disease.
For more healthcare tips for you and your family, check out my workbook for dealing with caring for your children as well as your aging parents: Life in Sandwich Generation. Life in the Sandwich Generation is a workbook filled with information, tips and tricks for managing the demands needing to care for your aging parents, as well as taking care of your children. It details how you can involve your children in the process, how to learn more about your parents health and finances, while still making time for yourself and your spouse. You can find it here for only $10!