My Insurance Doesn’t Include Dental. Now What?


woman at dentist have teeth examinedWe had another successful webinar yesterday. I can’t believe it was our third one! I’m getting into a rhythm and having fun sharing healthcare tips with you in this way. I hope you are enjoying it, too.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to answer your questions. Thank you so much to those of you who sent your questions in. There were some great ones!

One of the questions I received was “What if my medical insurance doesn’t include dental?”

This is the case sometimes. Often dental insurance is provided separately from medical insurance, possibly through a different provider altogether.

First, check with your employer to make sure. Maybe dental coverage is available to you and you didn’t realize it or didn’t fill out the paperwork for it when you were hired. If it is an option, go ahead and sign up.

If your employer doesn’t offer dental insurance, look for a stand-alone dental plan. You can find these from a variety of providers.

Before you sign up, though, consider your dental care needs.

Are your teeth generally in good shape? Is your primary reason for visiting the dentist to get your routine cleaning? If so, compare the costs of the dental insurance to the costs of a dental visit if you were to pay fully out-of-pocket. You may find that dental insurance isn’t worth the cost if all you plan to use it for are twice-per-year cleanings.

If you tend to have more dental needs–like a history of cavities, root canals, crowns, and so on–then you’ll probably want to invest in a dental insurance plan that will help offset some of this pricier work.

Thank you to one of our readers for submitting that great question.