3 Easy Ways to Eliminate Daily Stress

Athlete runner trail running on summer beach. Fit body silhouettDo you ever feel overwhelmed when you look at your schedule and see how much you have to do that day? I don’t know about you, but some days it seems like I have too much to do in too little time. All of the stress from the busy lives we lead can be detrimental to our health. But with small changes, we can reduce stress and make some time for ourselves. Here are three easy ways to eliminate daily stress.

1. Work Out
Wake up an hour early and get a workout in. I know the last thing you want to do on a busy day is get up earlier than you need to, but trust me, you will feel better. Exercise increases endorphins and gives you an energy boost. Plus, it gets your mind straight for the day.

2. Meditate
Spend time to plan out your day and to set the tone for it. Meditation helps to calm your mind and put it at ease. It will make things easier when your to do list seems daunting.

3. Have a cup of tea
Sit down with a hot cup of tea and take the morning slow. Try some peppermint tea; it helps relieve stress and anxiety.

Small shifts like these can reduce stress and help you feel better all day long.

To learn more about women’s health check out the Women’s Mind Body Wellness Summit. It contains 6 interviews by top female health professionals plus two workout videos and 3 bonus videos on mind-body wellness with MyHealthSpin Founder Lori-Ann Rickard.