Choosing An Assisted Living Facility: Part 1 VIDEO

What led Lori-Ann Rickard to start writing ebooks about healthcare? It all started when her father, who was living independently his whole life, underwent surgery causing him to lose his independence. Lori-Ann learned at every turn that choosing an assisted living facility takes a lot of work, communication, and coordination. Most importantly, she found out that there is no perfect answer. This video is for anyone who needs a “roadmap” like Lori-Ann did; a tool to consider much more than the obvious questions of location and cost.


How do you make the right decision about moving yourself or a loved one into an Assisted Living Facility without being overwhelmed? How do you even begin talking about it? MyHealthSpin’s “Easy Healthcare: Choosing an Assisted Living Facility” ebook guide gives you all of the practical advice you need to make the right choice.


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