Prepping For A Healthy Vacation

Family Having Fun Stand Up Paddling Together in the Ocean on BeaSummer time is full of road trips and family vacations. Even though you want to have fun and enjoy yourself, it’s still important to stay on track in terms of exercise and healthy eating. This can be difficult to do when you lack typical amenities, such as a kitchen, or are stuck sitting in the car for hours at a time. I have put together a list of  tips that will help you prepare for a healthy vacation.

First, plan ahead. Make sure you pack food and healthy snacks, especially for in the car. You don’t want to have to make an unnecessary stop for fast food. If you pack healthy sandwiches and veggies you can stop at a rest area and have a picnic. It will be fun for the kids and it will ensure they’re eating a nutritious meal. Check and see if your hotel room has a fridge. If it does, bring extras to keep while you’re there. This way you can snack on healthy treats between meals.  It will also help save money.

Second, get some exercise. Go for a quick walk when you take a stop to go to the bathroom. If you’re at the airport, use the stairs instead of the elevator. Do something to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing.

Third, incorporate fun outdoor activities. Sitting on the beach is really nice, but you need to get some exercise too. Bring your bikes with you. Go swimming or rent a paddle board. This will be a great exercise for your core strength and balance.

Fourth, allow yourself treats; you are on vacation after all. Don’t turn down ice cream, or your favorite meal. Just try to eat healthy throughout the rest of the day. Deprivation will only lead to binge-eating at some point.

Fifth, don’t stress before you go. People like to leave the house super clean so they come home to it all nice and organized. That is good, but don’t stress about getting it all done before you go. If you have time, great. But focus on getting ready to enjoy time with family and friends, the house can wait.

Sixth, put your phone away. Make yourself as unavailable as possible. Being on vacation is all about relaxing and taking some for yourself and doing the things you don’t always get to do. If you’re constantly glued to your phone you can’t enjoy life’s little moments.

I hope you’ve found these tips to be helpful and I hope you have a wonderful vacation!

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