Breastfeeding Your Active Toddler

Little Girl On A BikeWe all know that breast feeding your child is beneficial to their health, but most moms stop breastfeeding around six months for several reasons. Whether it be convenience or because they don’t think it’s necessary anymore. However, breastfeeding even past one year is extremely beneficial to your child’s health. As your toddler grows and changes, so does breastfeeding. Today, we will discuss how breastfeeding changes with your active toddler as well as the benefits of breastfeeding past one year.

First, they don’t need as much. Since they are also eating solids they won’t need as much breast milk as they did when they were infants. Let them choose, offer them a variety of solid food, but if they seem to take better to breast milk there’s nothing to worry about.

Second, be forewarned: you may get bitten a lot. Sometimes it’s an accident, and other times it’s not. Some it is due to teething. Usually, their gums are sore so they feel they need to bite on something, not realizing that it hurts you to do that. If your toddler bites you while feeding pull away and stop immediately, let out a loud ouch to let them that behavior isn’t acceptable.

Third, you may transition in other milks. Keep in mind that this isn’t always necessary, mother’s milk is always going to be the best. But, if you wish, you can add in cow’s milk, goats milk or a dairy-free alternative, such as almond milk.

Fourth, your bond grows stronger. Not only is breastfeeding good for your baby’s health and wellness, but it’s good bonding time too.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding your toddler?

  • Breastfed toddlers are less likely to be picky eaters.
  • They have increased immunity and are more resistant to allergens. Breast milk is the best thing to ward off illness and allergies.
  • Toddlers who are breastfed are less likely to be obese as adults. It allows for better weight management and children who are better able to determine when they are full.
  • Studies have shown that breastfed toddlers have higher brain function and cognition in comparison to their bottle-fed peers.

Breastfeeding past your child’s first birthday can have fantastic benefits for their health and well-being. I hope you have found these tips helpful for how breastfeeding changes with an active toddler.

Eight Benefits of Breastfeeding For You and Your Baby

Soft focus image of newborn baby breastfeedingAugust is National Breastfeeding feeding month. In order to celebrate we will be discussing everything you need to know about breastfeeding throughout the whole month. Today, we will be talking about the benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby.

Breastfeeding can help boost your newborn’s immune system. Breast milk is chock full of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. These components help reduce the incidence of illnesses such as diarrhea, colds and the flu. Breastfed babies have less trips to the hospital than formula-fed infants.

Breastfed babies also have a lower risk of developing allergies. Breast milk contains specific immunoglobulins that boost their immunity, preventing allergies from setting in.

Breastfeeding can decrease your child’s risk of becoming obese. Children who are breastfed are better at determining when they are full. Also, infant formula is filled with insulin, which increases fat gain, which can lead to obesity later in life.

Breastfed babies have a tendency to be whiz kids. Breast milk contains choline, which increases brain cells. All of the nutrients found in breast milk can also help the brain to develop quicker.

Breast milk is unique as it customizes to your baby’s needs. Right after delivery colostrum, aka pre-milk, comes in. Colostrum is full of antibodies to help boost your newborns immune system. It also has a high protein content to help baby stay full and to keep them keep a stable weight post-delivery. Several days after birth mom’s the full milk comes in. Full milk is higher in sugar to help your baby to grow.

Another added bonus to breastfeeding – it’s FREE! It’s basically liquid gold. This can save thousands of dollars each year.

Breastfeeding isn’t only beneficial for baby, mom benefits from it to.

Breastfeeding is a calorie incinerator, helping mom to shed those pregnancy pounds. Every ounce of breast milk contains around 20 calories. Thus, torching upward of 500 calories a day! Say bye-bye to baby weight!

These are only a handful of the benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby.


For more healthcare tips for you and your family, check out my workbook for dealing with caring for your children, as well as your aging parents: Life in the Sandwich Generation. Life in the Sandwich Generation is a workbook filled with information, tips and tricks for managing the demands needing to care for your aging parents, as well as taking care of your children. It details how you can involve your children in the process, how to learn more about your parents health and finances, while still making time for yourself and your spouse. You can find it here for only $10!




Tips For Moms: Breastfeeding in the Workplace

Mother And Newborn Baby In White NurseryExpressing breast milk while at work, can be a challenge.

As a single mother, raising two girls, I had to learn how to juggle both caring for my kids and work. Luckily, there are more people today understanding of breastfeeding in the work place, as it is much more common than twenty years ago.

Regardless, it’s still difficult to manage which is why I would like to share a few helpful tips from my own experience to hopefully make the process less stressful and more comfortable for you.

First, have a talk with your human resources department. Be open about your experience. I find that the more you can have an open discussion the more your employer will be receptive to your needs. Make an arrangement with your employer on how, where and when you can express your breast milk and try and be flexible.

Under the ACA, the federal law requires employers to give break time and a place for most hourly wage employees and salaried employees to express breast milk at work. The federal law however, does not require these breaks to be paid so make sure you ask your employer (also, check with your state law, they may provide more protection and coverage for breastfeeding than federal law).

Also, I found that having the right breast pump can make all the difference. Health insurance plans must provide breast feeding equipment and counseling (potentially at no cost). Talk to your doctor to find out which breast feeding pump is best for you (manual, electric, or rental).

Put together a mini pump bag filled with the following essentials, this will make it easier for you during the work week:

  • Clean bottles.
  • Breast pump.
  • Power supply (for electric breast pumps).
  • Paper towels.
  • Extra clothing for you (just incase).
  • Breast pads.
  • Healthy snacks.

Finally, make sure you are comfortable with the overall process and remember, it is a normal and natural part of the child bearing process.

Looking for more healthcare tips? Tune in to our FREE live webinar on Wednesday, March 30 at 2 p.m. EST where I will discuss Helpful Healthcare Tips for Busy Moms. Register HERE today.

Check out my Periscope video HERE on breastfeeding in the workplace.

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