Helpful Healthcare Links: April 23, 2015

Doctor Hand Showing A Blank Smart Phone Screen AppOur helpful health care links focus on two hot topics in health insurance this week– Customers of L.A. Care Covered can now pay monthly premiums in cash at more more than 680 locations via their smartphones and a plan to establish a private insurance exchange for low-income residents. Both are worth your time. And, as always, if you ever come across a healthcare story that you think merits more attention, please send it our way!

Californians Can Now Pay Cash For Health Insurance At 7-Eleven

The largest publicly run health plan in the nation, L.A. Care, will allow customers who do not have traditional bank accounts to pay their health insurance premiums with cash.

Medicaid Expands In Other States, But Not Florida

The Florida Senate has proposed a plan that would accept federal funds under the Affordable Care Act to establish a state-run private insurance exchange for low-income residents.


ObamaCare has added an extra enrollment period that will take place from March 15 – April 30, 2015.

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HealthSpin’s Easy Healthcare: Choose Your Health Insurance gives you the practical steps you can take to choose the right insurance plan for you and your family.


Helpful Health Care Links: November 21, 2014

Insurance Or Assurance ConceptThis week, our helpful health care links focus on a variety of topics- a breakdown of what you need to know when signing up for ObamaCare this Open Enrollment period. We also included an eye-opening article from NPR discussing the level of privacy your smart phone apps provide you. All are worth your time. And, as always, if you ever come across a healthcare story that you think merits more attention, please send it our way!

Obamacare Open Enrollment Period: What You Need to Know

The second annual enrollment period for health plans through federal and state exchanges has started. If you need to buy health insurance or make changes to your current plan, you have until Feb. 15 to get it done.

Metro Detroit Employers Projected to Save in 2015 with Lower-Cost, High-Deductible Health Plans

Southeast Michigan’s total health benefit costs for active employees are projected to increase only 2.9 percent in 2015 as employers continue to make changes in benefit plans, primarily going to lower-cost, high-deductible plans.

How Well Do Your Apps Protect Your Privacy?

PrivacyGrade is a site for people to figure out what information their apps might be collecting. You’ll be surprised how much personall information is tracked by your phone activity.

New ‘Hutch’ Director Aims to Push Toward Cancer Cures Based on The Immune System

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle is announcing that it has hired former Merck cancer research boss Gary Gilliland as its next director.

As California Expands Medicaid to New Beneficiaries, Many Others Are Dropped

Even as the state celebrates its enrollment of more than 2.7 million low-income Californians in Medi-Cal in 2014, it may drop an unusually high number of beneficiaries from its rolls by year’s end.


Healthcare has changed radically. Gone are the days when the only medical professional a patient saw was their trusted local doctor. MyHealthSpin’s Easy Healthcare: Healthcare Privacy walks you through the practical steps you can take to safeguard your healthcare privacy as a patient.

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How Does ObamaCare Impact Your Medicare Coverage?: VIDEO

There are a lot of rumors circulating about how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — otherwise known as ObamaCare — may or may not impact individuals currently on Medicare or about to start using Medicare coverage. In an effort to cut through this noise, in this video, MyHealthSpin founder Lori-Ann Rickard discusses whether or not ObamaCare has any impact on Medicare plans, what’s the difference between Medicare and Medicaid, and whether or not there’s any truth to the “health care rationing” rumor that has surrounded the Affordable Care Act. If you have fears about how ObamaCare might affect your Medicare coverage, this video is definitely worth your time!


HS-Book_Covers_OCaresmallAre you looking to cut through all the noise and find out what ObamaCare really is, what it does, and, most importantly, what it means to you? MyHealthSpin’s “Easy Healthcare: ObamaCare” ebook guide leaves the politics behind and gives you a straightforward, timely rundown of the changes the law made and whether or not they impact YOU.

Available for download NOW!