Thank You To Our Military Healthcare Providers!

American HealthcareSince today is Veteran’s Day, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the amazingly hard working doctors and nurses who have served tirelessly in war, in peace, and at Veteran’s hospitals throughout the world.

There has been much in the news lately about the failings of the nation’s military Veteran hospitals.

However, we wanted to make sure that we also remember that every day there are thousands of hard working military doctors and nurses all over the country tirelessly helping our veterans with their many health needs.

Each of the doctors and nurses serving our military are asked to use their extraordinary skills to serve our veterans who have not only the normal healthcare needs of any patient, but also have needs that require very special skills.

Here is just one example, from Virginia’s Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center, of  how the medical community serving our veterans is making a difference.

So, we are using today’s blog post to say a big “THANK YOU!” to these amazing men and women.

Enjoy your Veteran’s Day and say “thank you” to the doctors and nurses who are working over this holiday to take care of their patients.



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