4 Tips for Moms Caring for Sick Children

Sick Little GirlHaving a sick child at home is no fun, for them or for you. When it happens, try these tips to keep everyone happy and returning to good health.

Keep the drinks coming. I don’t mean adult beverages for you. With most illnesses, drinking liquids is important for hydration and flushing the body, so make sure you continue to have your child drink water, Pedialyte, and no-sugar-added juices. While you’re at it, make sure you stay hydrated, too. Taking care of yourself will help you take better care of your sick child.

Engage in gentle playtime. Though your child may not be up for running around outside, play is a great way to get some light movement and engage the brain. Try puzzles, sculpting in Play-doh, or coloring pictures. Let them put stickers on their pajamas. Pull out that kids’ doctor kit and take turns diagnosing each other. Read stories together. Cuddle under a snuggly blanket while singing along with or reciting lines from their favorite movie.

Let them see nature. Depending on your child’s ailment, a few minutes outside may be beneficial. Have them breathe in the fresh air and feel the sun on their face. If they can’t go outside due to illness or poor weather, situate them so they can see out a window.

Call the pediatrician. If your child has any symptoms you don’t understand or shows unusual behavior, call their doctor. They may be able to give you some tips over the phone or you may need to go in for an office visit for a more thorough exam. Either way, it’s important to notify your pediatrician of any health concerns.

It may not be a fun day, but you’ll both get through it and back to your normal routine soon. What tips do you have for taking care of sick children? Share in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter. I’d love to hear from you.

Be sure to check out my newest offering When Life Happens: What to do about unexpected health concerns. This is a bit different than my other books. When Life Happens is a workbook filled with information, tips, and tricks for getting through accidents, difficult diagnoses, rehabilitation, and what to do with the kids through it all. But it also has activities to guide you through your situation. It just launched this week. You can find it here.