We completed another successful webinar yesterday on when life happens and how to handle unplanned healthcare. This was our fourth webinar and I have been enjoying sharing these healthcare tips with you in this way. I hope you continue to tune in!
Yesterday I had the opportunity to answer your questions. Thank you so much to all of you who submitted your questions. There were many great ones!
One of the questions I received was “How do you balance supporting a chronically sick child and supporting your healthy child or children?”
As a single mother raising two girls, this question very much resonated with me. When my youngest child was born, she was born with a serious illness. I had to figure out quickly, how to balance tending to my sick child and how to care for my healthy child. When my daughter was diagnosed, instinctually, my focus became 100 percent on my sick child. It was difficult for me to remember that I also had a healthy 24-month old daughter who needed a lot of care as well.
When you do have a sick child, all the energy and resources tend to go to that child. However, if you have other children who are healthy or even a spouse, it’s important not to neglect them. It’s essential to find time to care for the other loved ones in your family, even if it is just for a few hours of your day.
Make a play date with your healthy child. Pick your child or children up from school, assist them with their homework, or take them to the library. This will be meaningful to them and will also give you some down time to clear your mind.
When my daughter was in the hospital, I was there for weeks on end and I didn’t really leave her bedside. One evening, the doctor came into the hospital room, looked at me and my mom and said, “Grandmas’ can take care of babies too!” He recognized that I needed a break. It was such an important reminder to me that there were other things I needed to do for myself and my family.
In the midst of caring for everyone else, make sure you don’t forget to care for yourself. If you aren’t caring for yourself, everyone else suffers. Take a few minutes out of each day to do something for your mind and body. Go for a walk outside, meditate, or even read a book. This will make you and your families experience less difficult and more manageable.
Thank you to our readers for submitting that wonderful question.
If you did not get a chance to register for the February webinar yesterday on Unplanned Healthcare, we have two additional times when you can watch the webinar. Tune in HERE on Friday, February 26 at 12 pm EST or Sunday, February 28 at 11 am EST.
Need additional tips for unexpected health concerns? Check out my NEW hands on Workbook When Life Happens: What To Do About Unexpected Health Concerns. This workbook will assist you in planning for all types of unexpected health concerns for you and your family.
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We hope we have helped you SPIN YOUR HEALTHCARE YOUR WAY!