Helpful Health Care Links: April 9, 2015

Close up view of guy using fitness deviceOur helpful health care links focus on two hot topics in health insurance this week– The first insurance company to pair with a fitness tracker to provide discounts for healthy behavior and a reminder that your health insurance could affect your tax forms. Both are worth your time. And, as always, if you ever come across a healthcare story that you think merits more attention, please send it our way!

Giving Out Private Data For Discount In Insurance

John Hancock will become the first insurance company to offer a program for Americans that tracks policyholders’ medical information and offers discounts for healthy behavior.

Tax Deadline Meets The Health Law

If you were insured through work, bought a plan on the new insurance marketplaces or enrolled in Medicare Part A, Medicaid or Tricare you likely met the requirement and can simply check that box off on your tax form.


ObamaCare has added an extra enrollment period that will take place from March 15 – April 30, 2015.

Spin your healthcare your way and check out our Easy Healthcare eBook Guides.


HealthSpin’s Easy Healthcare: Choose Your Health Insurance gives you the practical steps you can take to choose the right insurance plan for you and your family.


Helpful Health Care Links: March 13, 2015

News Breaking News Daily News Follow Media Searching ConceptOur helpful health care links focus on two hot topics in health care this week– Health regulations allowing employers to mandate employees buy company insurance and a sad story about a family unable to provide a cure to their son who suffers from a rare to disease. Both are worth your time. And, as always, if you ever come across a healthcare story that you think merits more attention, please send it our way!

The Boss Can Force You To Buy Company’s Health Insurance

Under the health law, large employers that don’t offer their full-time workers comprehensive, affordable health insurance face a fine. But some employers are taking it a step further and requiring workers to buy the company insurance, whether they want it or not.

Family’s Bittersweet Journey Spares One Son From Rare Disease, But Not The Other

An Oregon mom is fighting to get Oregon to mandate a test for Krabbe as part of its standard newborn testing.


P.S.–Please remember that ObamaCare has added an extra enrollment period that will take place from March 15 – April 30, 2015Spin your healthcare your way and check out our Easy Healthcare eBook Guides.


HealthSpin’s Easy Healthcare: Choose Your Health Insurance gives you the practical steps you can take to choose the right insurance plan for you and your family.


Helpful Health Care Links: March 6, 2015

Beautiful Female Doctor Smiling And Showing A Blank Smart PhoneOur helpful health care links focus on two hot topics in health care this week– Uber causing a rise in Chicago startup companies and what the cost of obesity really is for our senior population. Both are worth your time. And, as always, if you ever come across a healthcare story that you think merits more attention, please send it our way!

‘Uber for Nurses’: Chicago Startup Sends Healthcare to Your Home

The popularity of Uber is striking a rise in startup companies looking to provide on-demand services to a variety of fields. One such startup is Chicago-based Go2Nurse, an app that provides people in need with a healthcare professional on-demand.

The Extra Cost Of Extra Weight For Older Adults

Obese people are far more likely to become disabled as they age, and researchers say this burgeoning demographic will strain hospitals and nursing homes.

We hope we have helped you SPIN YOUR HEALTHCARE YOUR WAY!


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